Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Achieve Goals and Live Your Dream

Have you ever wondered why some people are satisfied working in one career for 40 years and others are dissatisfied even though they switch jobs and careers every 10 years?

Or how about those who have no energy to go into work; every day is a battle at the office?  Compare this to those who cannot wait to see what the new day brings them at their job.  Every day at the office is a chance for them to achieve goals and live their dream.

These two individuals are exact polar opposites of each other. The experiences these two individuals may have vary greatly with the different challenges which helped shape their lives. However I believe that those who find their dreams and pursue them relentlessly will have a different outlook on life and experience life in a different fashion compared to those do not.  Once you are pursuing your dreams, you will be satisfied where you are headed because you know you are in pursuit of your dreams.

Take a look around you.  Everything you see is the result of someone else's dream. These are dreams that came true and were pursued by an individual.  The idea to overcome is that dreams are intangible, however they can manifest themselves into tangible objects if visualized and pursued with the correct mindset.

Stop Trying and Start Doing

"The word "try" does not belong in the realm of successful living. It is an "in-between" word that implies doubt."

This quote attacks the first obstacle that we face when trying to live out our dreams: ourselves.  By far, the biggest hindrance to your success and living your dreams is the self-doubt of your own mind.

Has there been a time when you wanted to do something but stopped because you thought you weren't qualified, smart enough, or just wouldn't succeed at it?  This is our own self-doubt and fear affecting our actions.  In this scenario, the thinking about the fear and doubt of not being qualified manifested into not doing what we wanted to and this in turn is hindering our lives.

First, think about completing what your dream is and not trying to actually go out and complete it. By picturing yourself doing the action in your mind, you will begin to overcome the self-doubt and manifest success.  Feel what it will be like to complete something as exhilarating as your dream.  Remember, what we think about in our minds will find a way to slowly affect our actions and change our lives as a result. 

We were not given fear in which to live by, however we allow it to creep into our lives and affect us.

Friends Affect Your Dreams

After climbing the obstacle of yourself there is another obstacle that remains that can still feel close to home...your friends.

Friends should epitomize the definition of support.  After all, if those who you call your closest friends don't support your dreams then who will? Your enemies? Doubtful. Those you call your friends should help you and encourage you to live your dreams.  They should be those you turn to for support in tough times as well as those you can pour your own success into. This give and take is vital to allowing you and your friends live out each of your dreams.

Friends who constantly remind you of your short comings and say, "that's impossible" when you share your dreams probably should not be in your list of friends. I firmly believe in the age old mantra, "show me your friends, and I will show you your future" that quote resonates in me and I hope it does the same for you.  Friends have and will continue to affect how you achieve goals and live your dream.

Whiner to Winner

Lastly, an important key take away is how external events affect you. Do events that you have no control over shape your life and make decisions for you?  All of us will experience failure, rejection, and turmoil in our lives.  What separates people is how we deal with those experiences.  If I focus on everything wrong in my life, or do not pursue my dreams because I met failure, then I am letting non-controllable events shape my life.

Whiners are those who do not see these events as beyond their control and instead complain that the world hates them etc. Or worse yet, they try to control these non-controllable events and spin their wheels with no resolution or advancement in their lives.

Winners are those who accept the failure that has happened, regroup, and continue charging ahead in pursuit of their dreams for they know that their dreams are bigger than themselves, their failures, or what other people think of them.

The difference between a whiner and a winner (besides two letters) is the choice that one makes on how to deal with external events that have happened to you. Again, it is a choice that you make; no one else can make it for you. However the rewards that follow this decision are great if you allow yourself to overcome your fears and move beyond your failures in pursuit of your dreams.

This post is based on the book Don't Let Anyone StillYour Dreams by Dexter R. Yager Sr.  It is an easy yet excellent read and I highly encourage anyone interested in today's post to read it. 

 One last quote from Yager’s book:

"Remember this is your dream. It is the product of your own subconscious. It is almost instinct. Trust it."

To Your Success,

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